21 Day Fix: Round 4

Friday, August 7, 2015

This week I started my 4th round of the 21 Day Fix with my current group of Summer Survival Challengers.

Okay, let's just say that it's been a while since I've done the 21 Day Fix and I kind of forgot how good the workouts are! They totally kicked my butt. I guess I assumed that because I completed T25 that the 21 Day Fix workouts would be no sweat.

Well....they are totally sweat inducing!

Since I was still out of town on Monday, I did the workout from my aunt and uncle's office in Massachusetts thanks to Beachbody on Demand and about 15 square feet of space. You don't need a whole lot of room to get things done! I got my sweat on while on vacation!

Then, since I was traveling on Tuesday, I didn't get my workout in. However, I made up for it on Wednesday by doing both the Upper Fix and the Lower Fix. Whooooo-weeee my arms and legs could feel it! Haha. 

I really did forget how effective and killer the workouts are.

Probably the best thing about this program is that it is just 21 days. So it's completely doable and easy to follow. The workouts everyday are a challenge, and so is following the eating plan faithfully, but if you put the work in, you WILL see results!

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