21 Day Summer Fix Group

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Let's do this together!

This is about a life change, a fresh start and not some crash diet or magic pill. You need to make a decision to commit to YOU! Daily improvements and good choices towards a better healthier you.

Get in this for the long haul! Yes, you'll see results in as little as a week and get a serious jaw dropping transformation in 21 days. But if you take what you learn during those 21 days, you'll change your life. I know I did!

When I first started this journey, I would check into my challenge group every morning, post my workout, share what I ate the day before and ask for help in the areas I struggled with. That group really was my support within the comfort of my own home! It's the reason why I succeeded and finished the program from start to finish.

I don't know about you, but I realized that I'm not really a gym person. I don't like feeling like a have to share equipment or be judged by people and honestly, I just like my space and be able to go full out at a workout and have the reassurance that no one else is watching.

Let's face it, its easy to skip a workout, to not make healthy food choices and of course to ignore the feeling in your gut to dig deeper if you don't have that accountability! That's the secret about the atmosphere I create! It's not about a shake and a box of workout DVDs. It's about being a part of something more and knowing that you matter to others.

Fourth of July is right around the corner I want to invite you to join me in a 21 Summer Fix Group. We start July 6th, so it's a perfect time to start after you've enjoyed the holiday with BBQ, margaritas, and all kinds of other goodies! I want to help you Meal Prep, Plan and Eat Clean! Learn how to properly fuel your body for energy, weight loss, and how to make this a lifestyle change vs temporary fix.

I am going to share my meal planning tips and tricks, give you recipes, tips and ideas to help you achieve your goals. Whether its 5lbs or 50 lbs I can help! 

I really truly love what I do and I love seeing other people achieve AMAZING results.

If this sounds like something you would like to start, I am inviting you to join me on July 6th!

All you need to do is commit to a fitness program which we can decide on together, you replace 1 meal or snack per day with Shakeology and in return I will add you to my exclusive online accountability and support group where each day you will get group support from me, daily motivation, daily check ins and the ultimate accountability!


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