40lb Weight Loss Transformation

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Okay it's official, the difference between these two photos is 40lbs! That's a small child ðŸ˜‚

And you know what, it hasn't just been an outside transformation...most importantly, it's been an inner transformation. Since making a change to get healthier, I've lost weight, but I've also gained confidence. And I know that's not tied up in how much you weigh, but as someone who has struggled with weight almost all my life, it's a big deal.

For me, it wasn't until I actually saw a physical change that I started to see and feel the inner change, too.

Four years ago, I would never have been comfortable posting a photo of myself without makeup. I wouldn't have been comfortable leaving the house or having the potential of running into someone I knew without makeup. It's true. As women, I think we often use makeup as a shield...an armor of sorts to enhance all the features we like and minimize those we don't. Am I right?

But once you really learn to love yourself, your whole self, makeup becomes merely a tool to enhance your features rather than trying to hide behind it...

All this to say, I'm 100% happier with myself since I decided to take control of my health rather than just letting it all go. (3 1/2 years ago I basically failed part of a health exam, triglycerides anyone?!) It's not too late. Small changes over time can make a big difference.

If you want to take control of your health, you're invited to my next fitness & nutrition accountability group. It's 21 days, and it just might be the kickstart you're looking for. Shoot me an email and let's chat.

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