Day 4: Happy Habits

Thursday, May 14, 2015

1. I'm grateful that my grandma got out of the hospital today. I'm grateful that my parents are healthy. I'm grateful for my sister.

2. I'm learning every day about how to be a better sales person when it comes to my photography. I hate to say "sales person" because it's far from what I do. I merely guide my clients through their photos and their options. I help them choose the best option for their desires. Every time I do it, I learn something and I know that it's not that scary.

3. I start everyday with reading my devotional. When I don't get to meditate, this is my favorite form of meditation. Always something good to learn.

4. Messaged a friend on Facebook thanking her for using her studio space.

5. T25 Ab Intervals and walked the dog three times.

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