40lb Weight Loss Transformation

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Okay it's official, the difference between these two photos is 40lbs! That's a small child ðŸ˜‚

And you know what, it hasn't just been an outside transformation...most importantly, it's been an inner transformation. Since making a change to get healthier, I've lost weight, but I've also gained confidence. And I know that's not tied up in how much you weigh, but as someone who has struggled with weight almost all my life, it's a big deal.

For me, it wasn't until I actually saw a physical change that I started to see and feel the inner change, too.

Four years ago, I would never have been comfortable posting a photo of myself without makeup. I wouldn't have been comfortable leaving the house or having the potential of running into someone I knew without makeup. It's true. As women, I think we often use makeup as a shield...an armor of sorts to enhance all the features we like and minimize those we don't. Am I right?

But once you really learn to love yourself, your whole self, makeup becomes merely a tool to enhance your features rather than trying to hide behind it...

All this to say, I'm 100% happier with myself since I decided to take control of my health rather than just letting it all go. (3 1/2 years ago I basically failed part of a health exam, triglycerides anyone?!) It's not too late. Small changes over time can make a big difference.

If you want to take control of your health, you're invited to my next fitness & nutrition accountability group. It's 21 days, and it just might be the kickstart you're looking for. Shoot me an email and let's chat.

Fixate is coming!

To say that the 21 Day Fix has been a game changer in my life this year would probably be an understatement. The program has literally changed the way that I eat and think about nutrition. 

Over the course of 21 days, I thought about my macronutrients in terms of "reds" "yellows" and "greens". And because of those little, seemingly insignificant, containers, I began to think about how I ate and how much I ate in a brand new way.

Now, over three months later, I still use the container system because it's easy and keeps me on track for my goals. I'm still in weight loss mode, so I'm still following the container count from when I was doing the 21 Day Fix, although now I'm doing Focus: T25. 

I really believe it's the structure and simplicity of the program that makes all the difference. Plus the fitness portion has difference workouts every day which helps to bust any boredom. And with it only being three weeks long, it's short enough to stick to through the end...and then you can repeat it all over again.

Honestly, the 21 Day Fix is a remarkable program...so simple, so approachable, and so effective. 

I'm super excited that Autumn Calabrese is releasing Fixate, her book of recipes that works seamlessly with the 21 Day Fix. 

Probably the biggest thing I struggled with during the program and generally speaking was finding recipes that not only tasted good but were easy to make. One of the things I dread (and why meal planning saves the day) is figuring out what to cook for lunch and dinner. 

I can't wait to see what's included in the cookbook. The best part is that each recipe will have a breakdown of the container count. So perfect!

The book comes out in a couple of weeks at the Beachbody Summit in Nashville.

Focus T25: Week 7 Recap

Friday, June 26, 2015

A new week, and another week of T25 Beta Cycle.

So I must say, I like Speed 2.0 better than Speed 1.0. It's fun. I never thought I would say that about a workout, but it's true! I think because you just repeat two rounds, it makes it "feel easier" even though I was still sweating up a storm.

I've also found that by posting our photos every day after we work out...or knowing that I need to post the photo after we worked out is definite motivation to get it done. Knowing that I might let people down (if anyone even sees them, ha!) is good enough for me to get it done.

It's not easy, but it's so worth it!

I'm just three pounds shy of a huge goal...and I plan to crush that goal by the end of T25!

I need to work on flexing. The struggle is real.

21 Day Summer Fix Group

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Let's do this together!

This is about a life change, a fresh start and not some crash diet or magic pill. You need to make a decision to commit to YOU! Daily improvements and good choices towards a better healthier you.

Get in this for the long haul! Yes, you'll see results in as little as a week and get a serious jaw dropping transformation in 21 days. But if you take what you learn during those 21 days, you'll change your life. I know I did!

When I first started this journey, I would check into my challenge group every morning, post my workout, share what I ate the day before and ask for help in the areas I struggled with. That group really was my support within the comfort of my own home! It's the reason why I succeeded and finished the program from start to finish.

I don't know about you, but I realized that I'm not really a gym person. I don't like feeling like a have to share equipment or be judged by people and honestly, I just like my space and be able to go full out at a workout and have the reassurance that no one else is watching.

Let's face it, its easy to skip a workout, to not make healthy food choices and of course to ignore the feeling in your gut to dig deeper if you don't have that accountability! That's the secret about the atmosphere I create! It's not about a shake and a box of workout DVDs. It's about being a part of something more and knowing that you matter to others.

Fourth of July is right around the corner I want to invite you to join me in a 21 Summer Fix Group. We start July 6th, so it's a perfect time to start after you've enjoyed the holiday with BBQ, margaritas, and all kinds of other goodies! I want to help you Meal Prep, Plan and Eat Clean! Learn how to properly fuel your body for energy, weight loss, and how to make this a lifestyle change vs temporary fix.

I am going to share my meal planning tips and tricks, give you recipes, tips and ideas to help you achieve your goals. Whether its 5lbs or 50 lbs I can help! 

I really truly love what I do and I love seeing other people achieve AMAZING results.

If this sounds like something you would like to start, I am inviting you to join me on July 6th!

All you need to do is commit to a fitness program which we can decide on together, you replace 1 meal or snack per day with Shakeology and in return I will add you to my exclusive online accountability and support group where each day you will get group support from me, daily motivation, daily check ins and the ultimate accountability!


Focus T25: Week 6 Recap

Friday, June 19, 2015

We started Week 6 of T25 and Week 1 of the Beta Cycle for Focus T25.

I was kind of nervous about moving into a new phase of the workout because I assumed that it would be crazy harder.

While there are some advanced moves, there is still Tania the modifier, and really, the additional moves aren't crazy outrageous. With a little work and determination, and a whole lot of practice, by Week 10, I should be able to do everything.

 So who is the genius who invented one-legged burps and air planks? Ha!

Best Almond Milk for Shakeology

Monday, June 15, 2015

After my husband and I decided to switch from traditional cow's milk to almond milk, I've found that not all almond milks are created equal.

My video shares my favorite two almond milk brands and one to avoid.

I love making my Shakeology with almond milk. It has a better taste and consistency compared to water.

If you want a smooth, drinkable consistency, check out the Kroger Brand of Simple Truth Almond Milk or Almond Breeze by Blue Diamond Almonds.

I recommend avoiding the Silk brand because it makes your Shakeology (once blended) unusually thick...almost pudding consistency, it's not very drinkable! Plus it makes me wonder what's in it to cause thickening like that.

T25 Week 5: Recap

Friday, June 12, 2015

What a feeling! 

We finished the first phase of Focus T25 and it feels great to have completed that accomplishment!

I'm so thankful we decided to do these workouts together, to keep each other accountable, and never let each other give up.

After doing the 21 Day Fix, 5 weeks felt like forever, but it was worth the sweat equity for the workout that ShaunT gave us. 

And we're not stopping here! We're moving on to the Beta Cycle on Monday. 

I'm excited and also a little scared for what is in store...

Focus T25: Week 4 Recap

Monday, June 8, 2015

I know for a fact that I would not be getting through the week of workouts without my husband. I'm so thankful for his encouragement and keeping me accountable. We're in this together and team work makes the dream work, right?

Another week, same workouts, different order. Most days I don't want to get up and workout, but because he's doing it, I'm doing it to.

Of course the most important factor in all of the working out when it comes to losing weight is nutrition! Nutrition and making sure to put the right things into our bodies.

We have one more week in the Alpha Cycle of Focus T25. It's three days of Total Body Circuit. And we'll be that much closer to Beta Cycle!

Shakeology Pancakes

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Last weekend we were really low on groceries and the only thing we really had available for breakfast were eggs and some turkey slices. So I quickly whipped up some scrambled eggs and turkey.

But my husband was still hungry. He has a fast metabolism...like athlete fast.

There wasn't much else to make, but then I remembered I could fashion some pancakes from Shakeology, a banana, and some eggs. So I gave it a whirl.

They turned out about as well as I could expect for three ingredient pancakes! I ate mine with a teaspoon of peanut butter. But they definitely hit the spot! It's worth a shot when you're in a pinch. Plus, I can say that these pancakes were the healthiest meal of the day.

Shakeology Pancake Recipe:
1 scoop Shakeology (I used Chocolate)
2 eggs
1 banana
splash of almond milk

Put all ingredients in blender or NutriBullet.
Cook over hot griddle.
Serve immediately.

Makes about 8-9 small pancakes.

The plate in the photo is a saucer, not a full size dinner plate.

I based this recipe off of other 3 ingredient protein pancakes I saw floating around on Pinterest.