I was looking at my Facebook "memories" and just a year ago I started to share my health & fitness journey with a transformation comparison from five years prior.
Anyway, I'll be the first to admit that making a change is not easy. It takes making a decision that you'll change, committing to that decision, and taking steps daily to move in that direction.
For me, the hardest part in all of this is always nutrition. I have a sweet tooth. I have a salty tooth. I love me some Chick-Fil-A and In-N-Out Burger. I wish that French Fries counted as vegetables (amiright?!) and lately, I've been on a course of less than good nutritional choices...and as much as I'd like to believe it, you can't out work your crummy food decisions.
I've found that it's easier to add something than to try and remove things cold turkey - especially in relation to your nutrition. A couples years ago, in an effort to do something better, I found a green smoothie challenge online. It was 30 days of green smoothies - that's it - you didn't have to cut everything else - add a million workouts or run 50 miles a week. Instead, add something good back into your life.
Today, I'm starting the same challenge. A green smoothie a day! Because let's face it, I can totally use more greens in my life (and have been SUCH A SLACKER about it). And because it's more fun (and accountable) to do with others, you're invited! It's free! It'll run through the month of April. I'll be sharing recipes that I love and a shopping list, and through a handy Facebook group, we can cheer this month of green! smile emoticon
You in? Get in on the challenge here -->http://eepurl.com/bWl9Iv