Clean Eating Stir Fry Veggies & Grilled Chicken

Monday, April 27, 2015

Stir Fry Veggies and Grilled Chicken

Veggies (Green Container & 1 teaspoon)


1 tsp olive oil
1/4 cup chopped asparagus spears
1/4 cup chopped red bell peppers
1/4 cup chopped carrots
1/4 cup chopped onions
1/2 tsp All purpose seasoning


Heat oil in medium skillet over medium heat.
Combine asparagus, pepper, carrots, onions, and seasoning.
Cook veggies in skillet, mixing frequently for 2 to 3 minutes or until crisp tender.

Chicken (Red Container)


4 oz raw chicken breast, boneless, skinnless
1 tsp olive oil
All purpose seasoning

Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Place chicken in ovenproof dish
Spray with cooking spray at the bottom of pan.
Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink in the middle and juices run clear
Cooking times may vary depending on the thickness and weight of the chicken breast.

Brown Rice (Yellow Container)

Make whole grain brown rice according to package directions, use 1 yellow container and store the rest in an airtight container for later.

5 ways to start eating clean (for beginners)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Eating Clean is all about being more aware of what you are eating and putting into your body. Getting used to eating clean doesn’t happen overnight; it definitely takes some baby steps and work to make it happen. As long as you’re aware of what you are putting into your mouth, eating clean is not that difficult. Here are some tips for getting started:

1. Read food labels - if it has ingredients that you’ve never heard of or can’t pronounce, then you probably shouldn’t eat it. Avoid artificial sweeteners and preservatives.

2. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store - generally speaking, you’ll want to stick to the edges of the store, where fresh produce, meats, and unprocessed food can be found. Try to avoid boxed food - cookies, crackers, dinner mixes. When in doubt, read the label. And as a general rule of thumb, if your food doesn’t start to go bad after at least a week, it most likely has some preservatives in it!

3. Try a green smoothie - If you are like me and have trouble eating vegetables on a regular basis, try drinking a green smoothie - the kind that you blend on your own (not the bottled kind from Odwalla or Bolthouse Farms - those are brimming with sugar!) My favorite green smoothie recipe: 2 cups fresh spinach, 1 cup frozen fruit (of your choice), 1 small banana, 1/2 cup water. Start by blending the water and spinach, then add the banana and frozen fruit. If you have a high-powered blender like a Nutribullet, toss all the ingredients in and blend it up.

4. Have a piece of fruit or some veggies as a snack - if you’re the type of grab anything in sight when it comes to snacks, try a piece of fruit instead of cookies or crackers or junk! Apples with peanut butter or almond butter is a delicious and satisfying snack. Or try carrots with hummus.

5. Eating Clean does not mean starving yourself! Eating clean simply means eating whole foods and nourishing your body so that it runs at its best. Try to eat 6-7 small meals throughout the day. Or, if you’re a more regimented eater, make sure to eat Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, with snacks in between each larger meal.


We all start somewhere

Thursday, April 9, 2015

It's been a long road on this journey. It's really only been in the last year or so that I got focused on my health and fitness, and only in the last couple of months that I got really serious about it. So you've heard of the Freshman 15, right? Yeah, I put those on. But have you heard of the Newlywed 30? I hadn't either until I found them ON me. That photo on the left was Christmas 2012. The photo on the right was 2 weeks ago.

Last week, I hit a huge milestone...I've LOST 35lbs with help from clean eating, Pure Barre, 24 Day Challenges, TurboFire, P90X, but what's really helped me in this last push has been Shakeology, 21 Day Fix, and 21 Day Fix Extreme from my highest weight and I'm now under what I weighed on my wedding day. It hasn't been fast. And it hasn't been easy. I have PCOS and if you know what that is, you know what a monkey wrench it throws into your progress. But I won't let that stop me.

This isn't just about the weight loss, it's a lifestyle change. Trading old habits for new ones (like green smoothies). I feel great, I sleep better, I feel more focused during the day, I have more energy, I feel more confident. I still hate burpees and broccoli makes me want to gag most days, but I'm excited that I haven't given up. I've made strides in the right direction.

I'm not done yet (one day I'll have abs...). Health & fitness is a journey, not a destination, after all. So with that I'm super excited to say that I'm a Beachbody Coach (don't worry, I'm still a photographer), and I want to pay it forward and help other people get started on their fitness journey. I want to encourage you to keep going, cheer you on when you feel like giving up, and plus it's way more fun when you have friends working out with you. Who wants to get fit with me?

T25 with ShaunT is next...

21 Day Fix Review

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

I can't tell you how many fitness programs I have started and never finished. While I began the program excited and interested, over time, the workouts would feel redundant (since there were only 3-4) and having to do the same workout twice in one week felt boring. So I would lose interest and stop the program altogether.

Then I tried going to the gym and doing weight training. I actually really like weight training and working on muscles instead of doing a ton of cardio (although I know a mix is ideal). And while I was going strong at about 4-5 days per week, that got old too. I would have to get ready, drive to the gym, find a parking spot, and then hopefully not have to fight over the gym equipment with the other people working out. And when they spent too long on a machine or hogged all the weights, I would want to give them the side eye. Finally, it got to where I had gone for like eight weeks in a row...and then I took a rest week.

Which became two weeks, and then three.

Then a friend invited me to her workout group where they would be doing the 21 Day Fix. I had heard about the program, but I didn't really know what it was all about. All I knew was that it was 21 days long, there were some food containers, and 30 minute workouts. I could do that.

After deliberating for a couple of days, I decided to go for it. I figured that it was only 21 days - anyone can do something for 21 days. The workouts are only 30 minutes. Anyone can find 30 minutes in their day to get it done. And finally, real guidance with the food! There's that saying, "abs are made in the kitchen" and it's true. Getting to your goal weight has so much more to do with nutrition than exercise alone. Together they make all the difference.

I started my first round of 21 Day Fix on February 9, 2015 and finished on March 1, 2015. And yes, I finished! It was the first fitness program that I've ever completed from start to finish.

The Workouts

The 30 minute workouts are short, but that doesn't mean that they are easy. They are not super complex - you don't have to be a star athlete - but they will push you beyond your limits if you've never worked out hard before. The good thing is that there is a modifier for each workout that you can follow if you need it. I know I did for some of the exercises.

Mondays - Total Body Cardio - cardio with light weights

Tuesdays - Upper Fix - upper body exercises with weights

Wednesdays - Lower Fix - squats and lunges with weights

Thursdays - Pilates Fix - abs, legs, back work

Friday - Cardio Fix - cardio to get your heart pumping

Saturday - Dirty 30 - my favorite of the week - mostly weighted exercises

Sunday - Yoga Fix - active rest day to stretch your muscles from all the work you did

The Nutrition

This was probably the most helpful part for me. So the program comes with color-coded containers in various sizes. Based on your caloric needs, you get a certain number of containers per color. This cuts out the need for counting calories or measuring or weighing your food. I think it's a great system, especially if you're just getting started on your fitness journey.

Green - Vegetables

Purple - Fruits

Red - Protein

Yellow - Carbs

Blue - Healthy Fats

Orange - Seeds, nuts, salad dressing

So for example, for lunch, you might have a salad - 2 green containers (1 container spinach, 1 container tomatoes & cucumbers) + 1 red container (1 container chopped chicken) + 1 orange container (balsamic vinaigrette).

I'll admit when I first got the containers I thought that they were really small. But when you figure out that you get to eat multiple containers a day (for greens, purples, reds, and yellows) it actually adds up to a lot of food. The nice things is that the book included with the program gives you guidelines for what you can eat and what works for each container. Also, there is a guide in case you're eating out and can't portion your food. And if you have a sweet tooth, there are allowances for treats!

I know that having that type of flexibility in an eating plan was super helpful for me. I think that if I had to be perfect at eating 24/7, 100% of the time, I would have given up. But with the allowances and a little bit of flexibility (don't go crazy and erase your efforts), it makes a huge difference.

The Results

In my first round of 21 Day Fix, I lost 6lbs!

For someone who has trouble losing weight due to PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), this was amazing to me! Even with my hard work at the gym in the previous months, I had only moved the scale about 2-3lbs in either direction, which was discouraging. I was trying to eat following a plan that my sister-in-law had given me. She said, "You should see the pounds fall off if you follow this plan." When they didn't, I was frustrated.

Following and finishing the 21 Day Fix was the first time I saw real results in a short amount of time, while only working out 30 minutes a day and still eating well. While I know that results shouldn't be measured only by the scale and I know that muscle weighs more than fat, seeing the number go down on the scale is a huge victory! I weigh 10lbs less than on my wedding day, which is amazing to me!

If you're just getting started on your fitness journey or don't know where to start and are looking for something to get you started, I highly recommend the 21 Day Fix. It is simple to follow and with it being only 21 days, it is simple to stick to. Anyone can do something for 21 days.

It takes 21 days for form a habit, right?

5 Dallas Date Night Ideas

Monday, April 6, 2015

One of our priorities as a married couple is date night. We don't have kids yet (but we hope to one day), so we know that getting out on a date night may be a little bit easier for us. However, if something is important enough for you, you'll make it happen. It might be trading babysitting duty with a friends with kids, asking a favor from grandparents, or finding a reliable teen babysitter. Date night is so important.

Why are date nights important? We all live super busy lives. Even when we are married, it's easy to live like two ships crossing in the night. Make time for your spouse. It's a great time to reconnect, catch up about your week if you haven't had more than a high five in passing, and even a perfect time for making goals as a couple. Perhaps it's a vacation or just a weekend away. Or maybe it's going to a concert or sporting event. Or perhaps it's going to lunch together during the workweek. Whatever the case may be.

As newlyweds (are we still newlyweds 5 years in?), we're always looking for cool spots to check out. Here are some of my favorites that are perfect for a cheat meal type date. I'm a believer in the 80/20 rule and we can all use some indulgence every now and then.

1. Velvet Taco - Velvet Taco is one of my favorite gourmet taco joints. It's slightly larger than a "hole in the wall" and there's always a line, usually out the door. That's a good sign that the restaurant is delicious. There are tacos for everyone - carnivores and vegetarians alike. I recently had a Chicken Tikka Taco, a Banh Mi Taco, and a Fish & Chips taco. They were all really good. I also managed to spill my cup of water on my lap.

2. Emporium Pies - If you like pie, you should check out Emporium Pies. While this place is not necessarily diet friendly, it's great for a special occasion or if you have a cheat meal (or day) planned. It's located in the Bishop Arts District, as well as a new location on McKinney Square. I haven't tried a pie I didn't like there. However, my favorites are the Lord of the Pies (Dutch Apple) and Smooth Operator (French Silk).

3. Steel City Pops - So I heard about this place and heard about it, but I didn't quite get it until I actually went. Steel City Pops is the perfect place if you're in the mood for a popsicle. There are both fruit based and cream based pops and from what I've heard they are all good. And with summer coming up, I can see this place as a frequent stop when I'm in Dallas. If you go inside you can also watch them make the pops, from freezing them to releasing them from the pop molds. It's cool!

4. Truck Yard - Do you like Food Trucks? Would you like to go somewhere where you can have food truck food as well as a selection of beers and other drinks? The Truck Yard is for you. You can check online ahead of time to see which trucks will be there. The atmosphere is great for hanging out and kicking back after a long week. And while parking typically sucks on Greenville, they have valet and a parking lot available.

5. Klyde Warren Park - Our church just hosted Good Friday in the Park at Klyde Warren Park. It's just a fun place to go if you have no particular plans in mind, want to grab a bite to eat, and hang out. There's also a dog park and activities (like ping pong tables) as well as a children's area. My favorite part about Klyde Warren Park is the food trucks. I'm glad the food truck trend finally caught on in Dallas. My favorite trucks are Nammi, Ssahm BBQ, The Butcher's Son, and Cool Haus...but that's a whole other post.

So while this blog is dedicated to my journey to fit, I also wanted to share some favorite spots to hit up for date night...especially if you're due for a cheat meal. Delicious!

Health & Fitness is a journey not a destination

Saturday, April 4, 2015

We all start at different points in our health and fitness journey.

Some people are super fit. Some people don't know a thing about clean eating or regular exercise. But it's okay because we all start somewhere.

One of the best quotes I've heard is, "Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle." 

It's so true. I can't compare my health and fitness journey with someone that is totally ripped. That wouldn't be fair to either of us. I can't discount my own efforts to change my life.

Change doesn't happen overnight. As much as I wish it did! But with small gradual changes, over time and consistency, it can create big results.

We all have a day one. And truly, health and fitness is a continuous journey throughout our lives. It's not a destination. It's not like you get to your goal weight and your done. You have to keep up with your newly formed habits to maintain your physique.

I feel like I've been on my own health and fitness journey forever, but it's only been in the last couple of years that I've gotten serious about it. Now I'm noticing that my hard work is paying off and it's really due to consistency in working out and even more consistency in eating clean.

I'll be sharing some of my favorite Clean Eating recipes!