5 ways to start eating clean (for beginners)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Eating Clean is all about being more aware of what you are eating and putting into your body. Getting used to eating clean doesn’t happen overnight; it definitely takes some baby steps and work to make it happen. As long as you’re aware of what you are putting into your mouth, eating clean is not that difficult. Here are some tips for getting started:

1. Read food labels - if it has ingredients that you’ve never heard of or can’t pronounce, then you probably shouldn’t eat it. Avoid artificial sweeteners and preservatives.

2. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store - generally speaking, you’ll want to stick to the edges of the store, where fresh produce, meats, and unprocessed food can be found. Try to avoid boxed food - cookies, crackers, dinner mixes. When in doubt, read the label. And as a general rule of thumb, if your food doesn’t start to go bad after at least a week, it most likely has some preservatives in it!

3. Try a green smoothie - If you are like me and have trouble eating vegetables on a regular basis, try drinking a green smoothie - the kind that you blend on your own (not the bottled kind from Odwalla or Bolthouse Farms - those are brimming with sugar!) My favorite green smoothie recipe: 2 cups fresh spinach, 1 cup frozen fruit (of your choice), 1 small banana, 1/2 cup water. Start by blending the water and spinach, then add the banana and frozen fruit. If you have a high-powered blender like a Nutribullet, toss all the ingredients in and blend it up.

4. Have a piece of fruit or some veggies as a snack - if you’re the type of grab anything in sight when it comes to snacks, try a piece of fruit instead of cookies or crackers or junk! Apples with peanut butter or almond butter is a delicious and satisfying snack. Or try carrots with hummus.

5. Eating Clean does not mean starving yourself! Eating clean simply means eating whole foods and nourishing your body so that it runs at its best. Try to eat 6-7 small meals throughout the day. Or, if you’re a more regimented eater, make sure to eat Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, with snacks in between each larger meal.


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